Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Day 01 - first production still !

Commencement of principal photography on Zombie Undead ! Goresome. The trails and tribulations of pre-production are over. Well not quite - the spread ouit nature of the project means pre, production and post are intertwined. But anyway back to the day. As one of the few external scenes we were blessed with great weather for this. The M2 adapter our DP uses eats of a stop or two of light so a wide shot on an overcast day would just not happen. As it was we got great light. Everything went to plan and we nailed the shots we needed. Our DP Neill did some acrobatics as he stationed himself precariously over a 10 foot drop to get the subway security camera shots. Awesome. Off to export the footage to the mac so Kris can get to work on the edit.

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