Thursday, February 7, 2008

Script Writing

Further to previous posts regarding script changes heres something else thats occured to us as the script devloped. This is one thats always bugged me when i see it in on low/no budget films so i have to rant about it here.

To me something that always emphasised the lack of budget in a low budget film is plot exposition. Not only is this poor writing ( show don't tell ) but to me it telegraphs the viewer that you don't have the money to back up your script ideas. Having 2 men in lab coats looking at a computer screen does not make a high powered nuclear bunker scene. The average cinema goer is very film literate and we shouldnt fool ourselves otherwise. The audience subconsciously understands the narrative conventions of cinema in an extremely advanced way so it was important we didn't patronise them.

Lastly it also has the effect of slowing the pace down for no reason. Sure moments of calm are needed but use them to create tension, develop character and push the film forward.

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