Monday, May 26, 2008

Day 07

Whoah - what a mad day. We had a serious number of setups to complete yesterday as we were shooting all the scenes to link up the footage we had shot outside of DMU. At the end of the day we needed to nail all these scenes as we were to move to the Queens building for the next shoot. Multiple set ups take time due to lighting and this added to a goresome gore set piece meant we were tight for time.

Already in a tight schedule when a double whammy hit us. Prepared for a 2 camera set up we lost one camera due to a technical problem. Stuart - 2nd camera - had to lose his rig so Neill could use it. Secondly our lead actress's train was late and then she had to wait outside as we all had our phones off trying to get some cut away shots!

All this resulted in the shoot starting at 12 instead of 10:30. From this point my main concern was coverage and some shots had to be lost so we could shoot the scene. The day become one of setting the shots, shooting a couple of takes and moving on. Not the most relaxing day from a directors point of view - nor a DOP's - but the choice was made as a return to the building at this time would have thrown the shoot off schedule.

On reflection i learned a lot yesterday. Firstly having a second or even third camera is a must. Secondly to switch my phone on between takes! Thirdly to have a Floor Manager/First AD. A lot of my time was spent doing this job - getting people organised for times etc - which is a lot on top of directing.

End Note - as usual stay tuned for shooting stills.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Blockbuster SFX Make-Up Artist Joins Crew

Scott Orr has joined the ZU crew as SFX advisor. Scott has worked on blockbusters such as The Da Vinci Code and Children Of Men as well as well received indie fare such as The Zombie Diaries. Gore is his speciality and while Gav Pate remains SFX Lead Scott's years of experience will raise the SFX of Zombie Undead even further.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Editing update

Post by Kris Tearse:

Myself and Rhys have been chained to our desks trying to get through as much of the editing as possible. The majority of the footage captured has been edited and things are moving along nicely. Hopefully once shooting is finished Sunday we should have the majority of the first 4 podcasts edited. Obviously this isn’t including any further post such as sound but we’re getting there!

For the opening scene we went for a ‘Man on Fire’ approach using time ramping to give it a quite crazy effect. Cameraman extraordinaire, Neill Phillips, recently added a few more effects and cuts to the scene and we can confirm that it’s looking pretty damn sweet.

Further editing updates appearing shortly!!

The wonderful world of scripting by Kris Tearse

I had the fortune of hooking up with Rhys (ZU Director) not long after a project of my own burnt down in flames due to the great British weather and other niggling issues. I think it worked in our favour with ZU as I was able to bring a slightly pessimistic and realistic mind to the table, with knowledge on how not to make a movie! This combined with Rhys’s energy and optimism works well I think. I originally joined as Assistant Director but ended up taking up script writing duties as although the original script was quite fun, it was unrealistic in terms action sequences and props we would need. So after 6 weeks of getting home from work and sitting in front of my pc until 12ish I finally managed to get the first draft done – 5 drafts later and we had something that finally resembled a script! Originally we were looking to shoot this as a feature film but then decided podcasts would be a good way to promote the movie (I have to say I had a really fun time taking the script from 90 pages down to 65 pages and then converting the script into podcasts – it was a testing time!)

We tend to edit the script as we do each shoot. I guess when I write lines it’s easy to imagine how I’d say it, but obviously this isn’t necessarily how somebody else would say it so the script gets changed. I’m not precious with the script. As long as I can see the amendments I’m generally quite happy with cast members changing lines to suit. My advice is: do not write a script if you’re not prepared to allow people to pull it apart – it will happen! So far we’ve filmed the majority of the first 4 podcasts and should hopefully have the majority of the 4th podcast dialogue finished by the weekend.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Actor Needed

As the shoot progresses Zombie Undead is in need of another actor. The role is Phil a 20-30 year old male who is out for himself, doing what he can to look after number one. Any ethnicity and look.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Daniel Day Lewis

Kris was conjuring the spirit of DDL for his performance as Jay on the last days shoot, sneaking off for a bit of Gangs on his beloved iPhone. On his recommendation i just watched There Will Be Blood. A good film made awesome by DDL's performance. Simply stunning.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Day 06 Pictures

Just back from holiday so, better late than never, here are some pictures from the toilet scenes shot on 13th April. Fantastic work from Gav and Rachael.