Well, well, well - an interesting day this one to say the least. For starters we had two awesome signature zombies. First off was MORRISSEY ZOMBIE portrayed by my DMU co-student Joe. Nice one fella. secondly we had COCK ZOMBIE - which needs no explanation. James, a DMU drama student, stepped up to the plate and barred his buttocks and prosthetic member.
After a couple of pick ups we moved to a corridor scene which involved a cast member, Sandra taking a fall. Unfortunatly after a couple of excellant trips she actually fell and hurt her knee. Have spoken to her since and she is OK - take care Sandra and you'll be pleased to know your part is more sedate from now on.
The final scene of the day was FRANKS death. Really enjoyed this one as cast and crew chipped in ideas and his death scene became a collaborative blood fest. The days shoot ended for me with a trip to the toilet to be sick. After this joyful event i came back and we nailed the last shot. Packed up, went home and spent the evening in bed as sick as a dog,hence this is being posted the next day!
Cheers also to Viraj who did came in at late notice as a runner. Nice one.
Day 12 appraoches. Over the half way point now and charcaters are beginning to die off.... Havent filmed for over a month so looking forward to this.
Behind the scenes work is being done to recover so audio. In a lift scene for the last days shoot we seemed to looses the audio to a very low level. Russell is working hard to get the sound to a reasonable level without it sounding like the lift is underwater. Heres hoping we avoid those reshoots or ADR. It was a seriously bad feeling to potentially loose 3-4 minutes of footage so heres hoping.