Friday, July 20, 2007

Script Developments

Running at over 120 pages the first draft was a very different beast to later drafts both in content, style and length. Currently on the fourth draft its interesting to take time out and see the main ways the script has developed.

i) Characters merged and cut. This was particularly relevant to our film as it is low/no budget fare. Lack of budget necessitated a small cast.

ii) Setting Change - the setting for the film was altered fairly early on from a hospital setting to an evacuation center. The primary reason for this was budget. How to get props, costumes and a location which would look like a hospital ? This change forced upon us led to a tighter faster paced script with a greater social commentary angle- a happenstance of serendipity which seems to happen a lot around this film!

Ruling out any extravagances - Kris wrote to what we thought we could get and if we couldnt then ditched it.

iii) Shorter - over 40 pages have been cut in the script. This was something we knew would always happen and was achieved largely by the above. Dialog read through's also helped to get rid of any passages of dialog that were unnecessary to moving the film along.

So as we reach the fourth draft the script is leaner, faster and gorier.

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