Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Just had to cancel Day 15 due to an injury to a cast member - not on set i hasten to add. These kind of things are unavoidable and part of the game. It just got me thinking though - guerrilla film making is a serious test of persistence. No/Low budget film making tests your will power - have you the passion and the belief to continue what may? We've been shooting Zombie Undead for over a year now, a day here and there to fit peoples commitments. Is a serious demand on cast and crews time and a testament to their dedication. As Suzanne Alizart from Em-Media put it to me, paraphrasing Thomas Edison, film making is 99% perspiration, 1% inspiration.

Also its worth quoting Eliot Grove from Raindance who postulated in lo-to-no budget filmmaking that "a clear positive mental attitude .. and passion" were key requirements. Amen to that. With 3-4 days left to shoot we're getting close, damn close. We're gonna make it people.

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