Sunday, October 28, 2007

Day 03

Heres some pictures from the third day of shooting. The shoot covered Sarah's journey and arrival at the evacuation centre and is one of only three days of external shooting. Luckily the forecast held and there was no rain until later. As we all met at the Hawthorn building at DMU we shot the car pulling up and Sarah, Mark and Steve getting out first. Then we were off to the countryside. On the way the majesterial Neill Phillips, DP, took the internal shots in the car of the rush to the evacuation centre. A great dying scene with Steve Bull, Ruth King and Barry Thomas was caught.

I'd also like to gve a warm welcome to Farid. He jumped in at the last minute for Carl Homer who's wife has just had a baby ! Congratulations Carl and welcome aboard Farid. His first day invloved squashing himself in the cars boot to record sound. Thats dedication. Hopefully we'll have both Carl and Farid for the next days shoot.

As usual some lovely camera work by Neill Phillips who somehow manages to operate the camera and also takes stills - see the awesome shot above. Rain put paid to the car mount we were hoping to use but we still got the coverage.

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