Friday, October 5, 2007

Script Rehersals

For a while we have known the principle cast members so the time for script re-throughs has come. This is a great part of the film making process its the first time you get a physical representation of the project. It comes to life before you as what once were words are now actions, feelings and emotions. Even at this early stage what actors bring to the table is enormous. They breath life into the characters and transform the script into a film.

The initial read throughs concentrated on the three leads - Jay,Sarah and Steve. Kris led the session with movement and action taking second stage to the cast finding their characters and seeing what works and what doesn't within that. We skipped over action scenes to concentrate on the words and their delivery. A big smile was never far off my face today as this great cast tweaked out some great aspects from a great script. It was great to see Barry's depiction of Steve with its restrained comedy delivery. The interaction between the cast was great to see with each bouncing off the others to create, even at this stage, a fluid dynamic.

We picked up some on errors such as Jay referring to Sarah by name even though they haven't been introduced. Previous to this we had trimmed and condensed plus combined and removed a superfluous character. Also a characters lines were increased as there role shined and benefitted from more lines.

Awesome work people!

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